An empty industrial unit in Milton Keynes
Solid walls, concrete floor and steel roofing. Not very sound friendly!
Removing original offices
Removing the original offices
Everything has been stripped back to bare walls, floor and ceiling ready for the build
Stud work for stage walls and
offices is installed
Wooden stage supports are built
Plywood stage top is laid
The toilet block and kitchen walls are built
About 10% of the Rockwool used is shown here!
Kitchen and food prep room studwork filled with Rockwool
100mm Rockwool covered ceiling
Hollow panels built for all wall surfaces. Studwork filled with Rockwool and covered with accousticly transparent material
HD LED Screen being assembled onto a steel framework.
Testing the HD LED screen following installation
Stage end structure complete along with black painted ceiling
The main door and window assembly is built and installed
Sliding window panels are installed, complete with Rockwall accoustic insulation
Floor paint is removed from the concrete floor ready for tiling
Ceramic wood effect tiles are laid on the levelled floor
160 square metres of floor tiles laid across the floor area
High quality fixtures and fixings
Good quality kitchen installation
Ready for the soft launch